this update bring many genereal new features and more buildings for the earth element.
- New designed Dialog for building and training with tabs
- Sleep action will renew every round
- Nex explore action for explorers. A little buggy, if you have many units.
- New “move to” action, sometimes a litte buggy, when their are another unit on the way, see top image.
- 7 new buildings and the researches for them.
- Remodelling the upgrade action, so resources, will be reused.
- A new craft concept, eg for the mine and the tool workshop, see image.
- Shrines & Temples can heal
- A new scenario
- And fixing of many buges 😉

The next update will be implement a border concept for towns, bring some new units, maybe the a new tutorial and try to rebalancing the game.
Greetings Sven