Owner display in 0.23

Translate the frontier (0.23)


this update bring some new game play features

  • New overlay function, you can see your resource, the owner of buildings and more.
  • New coat for towns and kingdoms.
  • Towns & Kingdoms have a frontier. It expands with your buildings. You can only build in your frontier. Your explorer also can claim the land for you.
  • New Unit: Geologist for earth, he can explore the mountains and show you the resources of it. Also automatically.
  • From now on 9 nations become multilingual. Step by step all texts become translatable. You are welcome to help with the translation into your language. See details on the project page.
  • Fixing the exploration action. Works better and more stable.
  • New animation for moving the units. You see it on the go action perfectly 🙂
  • Credits shown in game.
  • Fixing a display bug of build time and upgrade cost.
  • New concept for townhalls. You start every time with a light / shadow hall and town level 1, then the bigger light / shadow town hall (level 2) and then the earth / fire / water / air town hall (level 3)
  • Fixing a bug in the tutorial. Their was a wrong building used.
  • Because of the complicated creation the android app will be updated on the version 0.25.
Frontier display in 0.23

The next version (0.24) will add items, simply the production process, exchangeable resources for construction and hopefully the 2nd tutorial. After that the earth element should be completed. The next but one version (0.25) will only contain bug fixing.

Thank you and take care 🙂